Join GUHSD's Free Signature Summer Opportunities for Middle School and Currently-Enrolled Students
Glendale Union High School District’s Summer Programs information is now available. Please read an overview below of the summer programs that will be offered to determine which sessions will be most beneficial for your teen. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for all summer programs and transportation may be provided depending on the classes selected.
*Sites will be at Apollo, Cortez, Glendale and Moon Valley High School.
Summer School – For Current GUHSD Students:
Summer School will be provided for current GUHSD students who are looking to recover deficient credits. Honors Math courses will also be accessible for students who want to reach AP math level. Please see your school counselor to sign up
Course Brochure English or Spanish
Summer School Registration Events
Summer School - For Non-Current GUHSD Students:
GUHSD welcomes students who attend other districts to register on May 27th. Location and times are available in the Course Brochure. Enrollment is based on availability.
Course Brochure English or Spanish
Summer School Registration Events
Summer Academy Programs – For Eighth Grade Students:
Students will enjoy our signature Summer Academy Programs that will prepare them for the all-important next step – both academically and socially. Students can take advantage of programs like Project SHARP and High School 101, Honors Algebra, and Honors Geometry. Full-day sessions will begin May 27 and Project SHARP and High School 101 sessions will begin June 3. All of these courses are offered in an environment where students receive quality instruction by certified teachers.
*For Project SHARP and High School 101, register here.
Summer Camps - For Sixth and Seventh-Grade Students:
Summer Camps will also be available from June 10 through June 13 from 12 PM to 4 PM. Students will gain opportunities to expand their skills and knowledge all while having fun in these summer camp classes. Art, Robotics/Engineering, Culinary Arts, Sports, and more classes will be provided for students to enjoy. All classes are free; however, space is limited. Please register as soon as possible to secure your spot to take advantage of these educational and engaging classes.
*For Summer Camps, register here.