Hello Parents,
It's hard to believe we're almost two months into 2025! Here's a quick recap as we prepare for the end of the month.
Winter Sports: Our boys' soccer, boys' basketball, girls' basketball, and many wrestlers are in the state playoffs. Support our Hawks as they aim for a championship. Game times and locations are in the link below. Good luck to our teams! https://azpreps365.com/
Academic Decathlon: Congrats to our team for qualifying for the state competition later this quarter.
Attendance, Grades, and Support: Please remind your student to arrive at school on time to avoid lunch detention and to stay on top of their grades. Our first month back from winter break was great, with students focused on their classes and not using their cell phones. Please talk to your student about keeping their phone put away and getting to class on time. Students who are tardy to periods two through seven will need to turn in their cell phones to the attendance office and pick them up at the end of the day. This helps students be more successful. Attendance and tardies greatly affect students, and your support can make a big difference. Teaching our students to be responsible and understand when to use a cell phone is an important skill. This is why we are being strict about tardiness. 98% of students are late because they are on their cell phones and not paying attention to their responsibilities as high school students at Apollo High School. Please check your student's grades on ParentVUE or have your student show you their grades on StudentVUE. The end of the semester will be here before we know it, and we want to ensure our students are as successful as possible. If your student is struggling, please reach out directly to their teacher on ParentSquare. Encourage your student to attend the Learning Center regularly if they need help in any of their classes.
Spring Sports and Events: Spring sports (tennis, baseball, softball, boys' volleyball, track) are starting soon. Events on campus are free, except for tournaments and boys' volleyball. Our musical production is in the first week of April. There will also be a choir and band concert before spring break. Check the calendar for details.
CTE Competitions and Dance: Our CTE students will showcase their skills statewide, and our dance team is excelling at district and state competitions.
ACT and District Assessments: The ACT test is on April 1st. Juniors should practice and use prep activities. All students will take district assessments in their classes. Remind your student to get good sleep and eat well for testing.
Graduation is on May 19th, and summer school sign-ups will be available soon. Please be on the lookout for those.
Thank you for partnering with us to help all our students succeed. We appreciate all the support you give Apollo High School.
Choose Excellence,
Ben White
Apollo Principal