Hello! I hope your 2025 is off to a great start. Here are some updates from Apollo High School for January:
Attendance: We're focusing on daily attendance. Please ensure your student arrives on time to avoid lunch detention and stay on track with their grades. Late arrivals will result in lunch detention, and missing it will lead to after-school detention. Being late affects grades, so punctuality is crucial for success.
Parent University: On January 29th, join us in the cafeteria for a presentation on suicide prevention, awareness, and vaping. Food will be provided, and the first 50 attendees can win a laptop, tablet, or iPhone. Spanish translators will be available. This is a valuable resource for parents and students.
Winter Sports: Our basketball, soccer, and wrestling teams are pushing for the Arizona Interscholastic Association playoffs. Come support our students at their home games. With winter sports ending, spring sports like baseball, softball, tennis, track, and boys' volleyball are starting. Ensure your student is cleared by the athletic office for tryouts.
Learning Center: Every Wednesday, the learning center starts at 8:15 AM. Encourage your student to use this time to stay caught up with their classwork.
Graduation: Graduation is on Monday, May 19th. Senior parents, look out for information on FAFSA and preparations for the next school year. Ensure your student is focused on passing their classes. Check grades on ParentVue and StudentVue, and use ParentSquare to contact teachers for support. The Class of 2024's senior gift arch was installed over Christmas break. We look forward to the Class of 2025's contributions. Parents of students who are not seniors yet, please double-check your students’ grades to ensure they excel in their courses and stay on track to graduate in a few short years.
Choose excellence and have a great day!