Happy Hollidays,
I just want to thank you for a great semester; it's hard to believe that we are halfway through the year.
Report Cards: This year, we will not be sending home grades, so please ensure you know your ParentVUE account information. Beginning on Monday, December 23, you can view your student's Semester 1 final grades by logging into ParentVUE at parentvue.guhsdaz.org and then scrolling down to the Documents tab. Your student's report card should be linked here. Students can do the same by logging into their account at studentvue.guhsdaz.org and going to their Documents tab as well.
Performing Arts: Our Performing Arts students did a great job completing the semester with many amazing performances. I want to congratulate our band for winning 1st place at the Glendale Hometown Christmas Parade on December 14th.
Athletics: If you're not doing anything over the break or if you're in town, please go out and support our athletic teams as they compete in various holiday tournaments in soccer, basketball, and wrestling. We wish them the best of luck as they represent the Apollo Hawks on the athletic fields.
Next Semester: The next semester will start on Tuesday, January 7th. The office will be open on January 6th, but classes will begin on January 7th. The next semester will likely go by just as quickly. As we start 2nd semester, we will be preparing students for district and state assessments. It's hard to believe the class of 2025 will be graduating in May. It's important for students to stay on top of their grades and credits to remain on track for graduation.
Schedule Check: Prior to school starting on January 7th, I encourage all students to check their StudentVUE accounts to see if there are any schedule changes so they are prepared and ready to start on the first day of school.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a great holiday break. We are excited to see what 2025 holds for our students.
Thank you,
Ben White
Principal, Apollo High School