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Posted Date: 08/28/2024


Dear Apollo High School community,

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve as the interim principal at Apollo High School.  This campus and all of the people who share it every day are special to me.  Welcoming everyone back to school has been exciting!  The prospects each new school year bring are full of potential for all of us.

Apollo High School has created many opportunities for students to find success and to get involved.  There are many clubs, activities, and sports for your students to participate in.  Participating in any extracurricular activity increases a student’s ability to be successful in all aspects of high school life.  Encourage your student to get involved in some aspect of student life outside of the classroom.  The memories and life-long benefits will stay with your student long after high school is over.

Many resources are available to help your student find success.  Every teacher is committed to helping your student before and after school by assisting with questions or helping to clarify previous lessons.  There are teachers and assistants available before and after school in the SOAR Center.  The SOAR Center is a place where tutoring takes place, and students can have a snack while they work on their assignments.  All students are welcome to come in for help, the key is for the student to take advantage of the help being offered sooner than later.

Parents/guardians are a necessary link in the chain that pulls students toward graduation.  We all need to be actively aware of where students are in relation to their academic success.  Please make sure you have a ParentVue account.  With ParentVue, you can see your student’s grades and attendance in real time.  You will be able to see their assignments and test scores so you can be proactive in working with your student to be successful.  I also need for you to sign up for the ParentSquare APP.  This is an extremely effective communication tool that we will use to keep you up to date on what is happening with your student here at Apollo High School.  Remember, your student is still growing and learning.  Being in high school does not mean that they no longer need you there as a guide.  Take the time to know how they are doing at every step along the way.

We are all here to work with you and your student so that high school is a wonderful time!  Please take an active role in your student’s journey.  Together, we will make it great!




Rob Ambrose
Apollo High School